gender: female
age: 2X yo
birthday: December 9th
height: 173cm (5’8″)
eye color: black/grey
languages: french, english, japanese, korean
upcoming: italian, brazilian, german, spanish…
Mimosa has no set personality but she is depicted as a nonchalant & laidback person. She may come across as cold or aloof but she is never mean or ill-spirited.
All of Mimosa voicebanks are meant to be used with Open Utau & Open Utau phonemizers. She may not be compatible with classic utau. Please look at the Terms of Service below before using Mimosa.
Terms of Service
— Mimosa’s name should be stated clearly and adding the name of the voicebank used is appreciated. You can’t claim Mimosa as your own voicebank.
— Derivative characters of Mimosa aren’t allowed.
— Commercial use for Mimosa is OK for music, album covers etc.
but commercial use of her image & merch isn’t allowed without permission.
— Sexual content & undertones in songs is allowed but hypersexualized or graphic depiction of the character is not allowed.
— Using Mimosa’s samples for AI models (RVC, diff-SVC, so-vits, diffsinger…) or NFTs isn’t allowed.
— Please respect UTAU’s terms of use about song content when using Mimosa on covers.
— Redistribution of Mimosa isn’t allowed unless the official downloads are down.
Bilingual CV voicebank with a nostalgic sound.
CVVC with the classic Mimosa sound, clear and neutral.
CVVC with three different expressions (CORE, POWER & SOFT). Her first multipitch voicebank!
Tiny CVVC with three different expressions (CORE, POWER & SOFT).
Petit Mot V2 demo voicebank.
VCCV with 5 different expressions: the CORE Mimosa sound and 4 additional petals (SWEET, SOUR, SOFT & SOLID).
Cz’s VCCV that features a French accent & is compatible with CORE voicebanks.
Zetty CVC compatible with CORE voicebanks.
May contain pronunciation errors.
mimosa BLOOM

French CVVC Multipitch — Multiexpression
First released on 30/07/2023
Mimosa BLOOM is a multipitch voicebank with three different sets:
STEM (Core set with a neutral tone and medium power) – F3, G3, A#3, C#4, E4, A4, C5
EVERGREEN (Power set with a neutral tone and a lot of power) – G3, G#3, D#4, C5
POLLEN (Soft set that goes from a dark to a light tone) – F3, G3, A#3, C4, F#4, C5)
The default BLOOM set is configured as a powerscale/kire voicebank, taking pitches from all the other sets.
Mimosa BLOOM also has a VCV-VC vocal fry (EDGE) & CVVC experimental breath pack (BREATHE) making her the most expressive and versatile Mimosa voicebank to date!
/!\ This voicebank has a varying quality from pitch to pitch which might make it harder to use, Mimosa BLOOM is expected to receive updates down the line.
Strength — multiple
Tone — mostly neutral
Pitches — F3 – C5
Ease of use — Medium+
Reclist — Gyroflex
Aliasing — Mot
File size — 1.1 GB
Recorded in 2022
with a Blue Yeti
mimosa BUD

French CVVC Monopitch
First released on 09/12/2021
Neutral tone with medium power.
Used to be known as Mimosa V1.0 or Mimosa V1.1
She’s been re-released as Mimosa BUD with a new configuration, additional CCs and a VCV-VC vocal fry pack (EDGE).
Strength — medium
Tone — neutral
Pitch — A#3
Ease of use — Beginner
Reclist — Custom
Aliasing — Mot
File size — 92.5 MB
Recorded in 2018
with a Blue Yeti
mimosa BLUSH

French CVVC Multipitch – Petit Mot V2 demo voicebank
First released on 22/10/2023
Mimosa BLUSH is a multipitch voicebank with three different sets:
CORE set with a neutral tone and medium power) – F#3, A#3, D4, F#4, A#4, C5
POWER set with a powerful neutral tone) – F#3, A#3, D4, F#4, A#4
SOFT set that goes from a dark to a light tone) – F#3, A#3, D4, F#4, A#4
The BLOOM set is configured as a powerscale/kire voicebank, taking pitches from all the other sets. Mimosa BLUSH has all the expressiveness of Mimosa BLOOM but for half the disk space!
Strength — multiple
Tone — multiple
Pitch — F#3 – C5
Ease of use — Medium
Reclist — Petit Mot V2
Aliasing — Mot
File size — 414 MB
Recorded in 2023
with a Blue Yeti
mimosa PETAL IV

French VCCV Monopitch — Multiexpression
First released on 09/12/2022, PETAL II released on 10/04/2023, PETAL III released on 20/06/2023, PETAL IV released on 10/12/23
Mimosa PETAL is a voicebank with 7 different expressions (petals).
CORE — neutral tone with medium strength, CORE is compatible with Mimosa’s non French VBs and reminiscent of Mimosa BUD’s tone.
SWEET — light tone with low strength.
SOUR — dark tone with high strength.
SOFT — neutral tone with low strength.
SOLID — neutral tone with high strength.
DARK — dark tone with low strength.
LIGHT — light tone with high strength.
Strength — multiple
Tone — multiple
Pitch — A#3
Ease of use — Medium
Reclist — m2RUg
Aliasing — X-SAMPA
File size — 1.10 GB
Recorded in 2022 & 2023 with a Blue Yeti
mimosa SEED

Bilingual Japanese + French CV Monopitch
Recorded in 2023 with a Logitech C920 Pro HD Webcam.
First released on 10/03/2023
Neutral tone with medium strength.
Mimosa SEED was recorded and released as part of #CVFest2023 and she sports a nostalgic crunchy sound in two languages: French & Japanese!
Strength — medium
Tone — neutral
Pitch — A#3
Ease of use — Beginner
Reclist — Custom
Aliasing — romaji, hiragana & Mot
File size — 153 MB
mimosa ENGLISH

English VCCV Monopitch
First released on 10/05/2023
Neutral tone with medium strength (compatible with CORE voicebanks).
She has a slight French accent and vocal fry.
Oto by GeneralNuisance.
Strength — medium
Tone — neutral
Pitch — A#3
Ease of use — Medium
Reclist — Cz’s VCCV
Aliasing — Cz X-SAMPA
File size — 240 MB
Recorded in 2023
with a Blue Yeti
mimosa KOREAN

Korean CVC Monopitch
First released on 20/07/2023
Neutral tone with medium strength (compatible with CORE voicebanks).
/!\ She may have pronunciation errors. Any feedback is welcome for a pronunciation update.
CORE compatible
Pitch — A#3
Ease of use — Beginner
Reclist — Zetty CVC
Aliasing — romanized
File size — 55 MB
Recorded in 2023
with a Blue Yeti